Tropic Fitness

Tropic Fitness

Eat Right! Feel Right!

Staying healthy doesn’t just include being active at the gym, that’s only half of the job. Ever heard the saying, you are what you eat? To keep up the work that you put in while exercising, you must eat right!…

Father’s Day Fitness

Charles F. Kettering said, “Every father should remember one day his son will follow hisexample, not his advice.” The meaning of being a father is so much more than just having kids,it’s being able to be there for them mentally,…

Choose Fitness! 

Need to feel improved and alive, have more energy and even add a few extra years to your life? Simple solution to that, exercise. Medical advantages of ordinary activity and actual work are difficult to overlook. Everybody benefits from working…

Fitness Fanatic 

Looking for a peace of mind? For an outlet in a life that may otherwise be filled with stress and chaos and reap the physical benefits? Well, it is achievable, exercise and staying fit can be a great stress reliever…